Thursday, February 21, 2013

My Thoughts On The New H!P Group

First I'll start by saying: YAY!!! Finally a new group with the Trainees.

The group contains Miyazaki Yuka, Kanazawa Tomoko, Takagi Sayuki, Otsuka Aina, Miyamoto Karin and Uemura Akari. 

Now my immediate reaction was that the members all are kinda cute. They all sorta have a certain charm.

Now I will explain what I think about each member.

First up is:
Miyazaki Yuka
Yuka seems like a sweet girl she also seems like she can be funny at time. She looks really cute and pretty. To me she seems like she would be the easy-going and calm type for the group. I think she is kind of going to be popular for the calm aura she gives off. I think the color that will fit her best as a member color would be light purple like Sakura and Aika.

Second is:
Kanazawa Tomoko
Kanatomo caught my attention the fastest out of all the new kenshuusei members partially because we're the same age. When I first saw her in a LQ pic I thought she looked like Yuukarin then after I saw pics of her in higher quality I noticed she looks more like a younger Maimi. I think she's cute and is about to grow into her looks. I think she will have kind of a strong character who is very mature but can also be childish at times. I believe the best color for her would be red since she has the same aura as Maimi, Risako, Take-chan, and Riho.

Third is:
Takagi Sayuki
Sayubee is by far my most favorite out of all the member of this new group. She's cute and an amazing singer. She's also seems funny. I think she will brighten the mood in any room she walks in. Sayubee just seems like the girl who would be cheering people up when they're down. She has so much potential in her. I think she will do perfectly fine in this new group. I can't wait to see what becomes of her in this new group. Hopefully she will be a lead singer or I will be upset. The color I think will fit her best is yellow because of her cheerful and refreshing personality much like how Captain, Haruna, MaiMai and Rinapuu are.

Forth is:
Otsuka Aina
Aina is cute and a pretty good singer. She didn't stand out to me much during the 9th gen auditions. The thing that bothered me most was that she had a problem with facial expression when singing. She has gotten a lot better after being a trainee. She is kinda a mystery to me but hopefully I will be able to see more about her. I don't know why but I think green would be a good color for her. I think it would just fit her really well.

Fifth is:
Miyamoto Karin
This girl is really cute and is turning into a beautiful lady fast. She has amazing potential and ability. I have a feeling that she will be a lead singer. She has expressed how failing all those auditions has effected her. I know that she will be a very popular and main member. I believe that she is kind of the leading member and will be the more likely to appear of shows. She will bring in many fans just by her looks and ability. Her stage presence is amazing too. I think the color that will fit her best is pink. Many of the members with pink are the more known members of their respecting groups and appear on television like Sayumi, Momochi, Airi and even though she's gone Yuukarin.

Last is:
Uemura Akari
I don't know much about Uemura but she is a beauty. I hope I will get to know more about her. I think she's kind of a cool person. She seems to have a cool attitude. I feel like she has potential that we haven't seen yet. I think the best color for her would be blue as it seems like a cool color and all the cool/interesting members have it like Maasa, Ayumi, and Dawa. I feel like Uemura would fit into that group really well.

So those are my thoughts on the new group and it members.
What about you? What are your thoughts on them? What color do you think fit them?

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